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GTG S02 Ep8 The Supermarket Challenge with Ali and Boo


So as a change from the Gunge Tank we dreamt up a new game…we took the gorgeous Ali and Boo out on location for it – down to the local supermarket! They were only wearing their nighties and heels too – good job it was quite a warm autumn day! We gave them £5 each to get ingredients to mess each other up. 

Once they finished their shopping and we got back to the studio, `Judge Jazz` had to pick which was the best messy basket (without knowing which belonged to Ali and which belonged to Boo…) The loser gets covered in all the mess bought by both girls, and that`s quite a lot of custard, trifle, milkshake, yoghurt and cream! (No idea why they both went for cold refrigerated products, but they did!). 

The winner took great delight in covering the loser in cold gloopy mess!!!