GTG S02 Ep74 A Blast From The Past On GungeTankGirls
In the beginning was GungeTankGirls, and it was hosted by Claire, and it was (although I say so myself) good…
Then we realised Claire had a mean-streak, and so she became Evil Claire, and her nickname was good…
Then she fell off a horse and damaged her back, which was bad…
So short-term Lisa took over as host and she was good…
Then Lisa moved onto and we took a short break, which was good….
Then we got a new host for GungeTankGirls, Liz, and she was good…
Then we got a phonecall from Evil Claire asking if she could come back for a Special, and that idea seemed very, very good…
Then we thought `Let`s set Liz against Evil Claire in an Egg-Russian-Roulette battle,` and so Dave boiled up 14 eggs and left one soft, which was good…
Then Dave asked the forums to decide which egg would be left soft-boiled, and gungetights from the UMD won, which was good…
*Then* Dave decided that because it was a special occasion and because it is *almost* Easter that the Gunge Tank should be filled with chocolate, which was good…
*Finally* Dave asked Lisa to host it as neither the current nor the former host could be trusted not to cheat….in fairness, neither can Lisa, but she wasn`t a direct competitor….and we know that decision was good…
…so if you want to see how a simple game of Egg Russian Roulette with a Chocolate-filled Gunge Tank, an ex-host, a current-host and temporary-host of the site turned into a fifteen minute clip….well…as normal, we`re not going to tell you the ending…you`ll just have to trust us!