C431 Charlee Rhian Keeley Messy Gunge Games
Today we have Keeley, Rhian and Charlee… All wearing casual outfits with jeans and trainers. Each girl has a table behind them containing two custards, two pies and a jug of beans. These are the girls lifelines I read the multiple choice questions that they must try and answer If they get the question wrong there is no penalty but the questions gets passed on to the others… If they get the question correct they get to choose which girl and item from that girls table which gets put onto that girl the looser is the girl that loses all her messy items or lifeline then the second loser is the next and then we are left with the winner. The two losers get the remaining mess from the winners table then they must both go into the gunge tank for a blue gunging before getting washed off at the end.